Feed My Sheep Jerusalem - Scripture Photos & Books from Zion & Holy Land Israel
Feed My Sheep Jerusalem - Messianic Prophetic Books, Articles, and Scenic Scripture. Photo Art, using Old and New Testament Scriptures with the best Nature Photography on Greeting Cards and Prints. Download free End-Times Salvation Books and Prophesy Articles about Messiah Yeshua, and not Yeshu, Zion, Jerusalem, Israel, Holy Land, some in Hebrew, Russian, German, French, Spanish, for the Salvation of my Jewish people.

The Truths About Genesis 48:19

This writing exposes and busts the serious error being taught and believed today by many thousands called the Two House Theory, that the blessing Jacob gave to his grandson Ephraim was that his seed would become a multitude of Gentiles ... or that the Gentiles are really descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, coming from the seed of Ephraim.  In truth, this erroneous theory is based on a misinterpretation of the meaning of the Hebrew word 'goyim', which in this case did not mean "Gentiles" but "Peoples of Israel".